Ball2022aAfter two years of gatherings no larger than six people, limited socialising and online events, the Brasenose Ball, was given the go ahead for February 2022.

JWAckrilllectureProfessor James Warren will give the 14th John Ackrill Memorial Lecture at 4.00 pm on Thursday, 24 February, in the Amersi Foundation Lecture Theatre.

HCRGreenGroupThe HCR Green Group, a collective of college students leading the charge to improve Brasenose’s environmental profile...

Megan KilnsOn the last day of July 2020, one of the hottest days of a hot summer, my husband and I moved from our flat in North Oxford to a house in Risinghurst, East Oxford.

samira2Brasenose College is delighted to welcome new medical tutor Professor Samira Lakhal-Littleton, who is joining us as a Associate Professor of Physiology and Tutorial Fellow.

Read the Prospectus

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