Official Information
This section of the website contains documents which the College is obliged to publish.
When information cannot be obtained directly from the website, copies can be obtained on request from the Bursar's Secretary. An administration fee may be charged.
Accessibility Guide
Brasenose College | Access Guide (
Equality Statements
- Brasenose College Racism Statement
- Letter Appearing in the Guardian Newspaper from all Heads of Oxford Colleges
- Letter sent to all Oxford University students
Legal Framework: Statutes and Bylaws:
Statements of Policy and Purpose:
Legal Obligations:
- Code of Practice on Freedom of Speech
- Public Sector Equality Duty
- Accident/Incident/Near Miss Report Form
- Equality and Diversity Policy
- Fire Safety Policy
- Food Safety Policy
- Information Security Policy
- Harassment Policy
- Harassment reporting flowchart
- Health and Safety Policy
- Making a Protected Disclosure (Whistleblowing)
- Prevent Policy
- Safeguarding Policy
- Staff Student Relationship Policy for Academic staff
- Staff Student Relationship Policy for Non-Academic staff
Data Protection:
Gender Pay Gap:
Student Policies, Rules and Regulations:
- Student policies rules and regulations are laid out in the Undergraduate Student Handbook and Graduate Student Handbook (together referred to as "the Blue Books").
These Handbooks include polices and information on harassment, Freedom of Speech, and student appeals and complaints, discipline, accommodation, security, use of libraries and chapels, and computers and other college equipment, and student welfare. - Undergraduate Fitness to Study Policy
- For Accommodation see also BNC Statutes
- For use of Libraries see also the Library Protocol
- For information about insurance of student activities, please see the Brasenose College Insurance Statement 2016
Financial Information:
- Fees (Annual) - Information on Fees is available on request.
- Charges Information on Charges is available on request.
- College Accounts - please see Trustee Report and Accounts for Brasenose College and Directors' Report and Financial Statements for Brasenose Limited.
- Pensions Policy - Information on Pensions is available on request.
Intercollegiate Relations:
Code of Conduct for Alumni
Fundraising Complaints Procedure
Policy on fundraising with and responding to people in vulnerable circumstances
SMS Donation Terms & Conditions