Regular events
Details of these events will appear on the College’s Alumni Event Diary page when relevant. Alumni may also be notified by email.
Brasenose Society Annual Dinner – September
This is a physical event held in College to which all Society members and their guests are invited. It is hosted by the Society and organised by the College. Tickets are allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Brasenose Society President’s Summer Party – June / early July
This is a physical event held in London at a venue of the President’s choosing. Again, all Society members are invited, together with their guests. Tickets (currently £35), are allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Red Lion drinks
These are held on the first Tuesday of each month at the Red Lion pub, Crown Passage, London, SW1Y 6PP, except over the Summer.
The Women’s 1974 Network
Inspired by the hugely successful event to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Brasenose admitting female undergraduates, The Women’s 1974 Network celebrates women’s contribution to the College and brings Brasenose women - past and present - together.
We are a growing network which aims to meet at least three times a year for talks, panel discussions and parties in a relaxed atmosphere (in person when possible or via Zoom) to exchange ideas and experiences.
Our recent events include a "Women In A 'Man’s World’" panel discussion with four speakers from four different matriculation decades talking about the changing experiences of women - and attitudes to women - in the workplace since 1974. We also hosted "What Covid Means For Women" which examined the economic and social implications of the pandemic for women, with speakers from a diverse range of backgrounds.
As well as the thought-provoking and more serious stuff, we also meet for parties to chat informally and exchange ideas.
Details of these events will appear on the College’s Alumni Event Diary page when relevant. Alumni may also be notified by email.
We welcome your thoughts on themes for discussions/talks, sponsors and venues. If you would like to contact us please email network founders Amanda Holland (1988) and Jane Johnson (1987) via [email protected].
Year Reps
The aim is for every matriculation year to have a Rep from within their own year. This is to encourage friendly year group contact, continuing the bonds that were made at BNC. Having Reps is really helpful to the College as they provide continuity and personal knowledge of their year. For earlier years we have joint Reps, but in more recent years we often have a JCR Rep and HCR Rep to reflect the larger number of graduates in College.
A list of the current Year Reps is shown in the latest edition of The Brazen Nose - or alternatively you can find out by contacting the Alumni Relations team. Do get in touch with your Year Rep if you would like to arrange gatherings with others in your year.