Last month Brasenose English undergraduates gathered to take part in a Dissertation Symposium, where third year English students presented their research to an audience of fellow students and tutors.
Last month Brasenose English undergraduates gathered to take part in a Dissertation Symposium, where third year English students presented their research to an audience of fellow students and tutors.
In January every year, Brasenose College celebrates the life and work of the famous 18th century Scottish poet, Robert Burns. Burns Night is a traditional annual celebration involving poetry, speeches and laughter.
It feels like a lifetime since fresher’s week now and I have loved the experience so far.
This summer I followed the well-trodden footsteps of many past Brasenostrils and migrated from Oxford to the big lights of London. However, I was not stepping into the customary well-respected graduate job but embarking on another four whole years of university: this time as a post-graduate at Imperial College.
Hunter Doughty, a Brasenose College doctoral student in the Department of Zoology and the Department of Social Policy and Intervention, has recently published a children’s book entitled Abigail Ann in the Bike Path Predicament.
Every few years, Brasenose College puts on display its silver collection, which is normally largely kept under lock and key. This event we dramatically label the “Silver Muster”.
Brasenose College is pleased to welcome a new tutor in Psychology, Professor Geoff Bird.
Biochemistry undergraduate Josie Pepper interviews eminent scientist, and Brasenose tutor, Professor Elspeth Garman.
Brasenose College is pleased to announce that the Reverend Julia Baldwin has been appointed as Chaplain, starting 1st September 2017.
Meat. Cheese. Chocolate. Butter. Meat. Cheese! A year ago, these were all central—nay, essential—components of my daily diet.
Unfortunately, due to our first term term running from early October to early December, the Brasenose community aren’t together to celebrate Christmas!
Having spent our first year at Oxford learning about various aspects of the human condition, the three of us studying Experimental Psychology at Brasenose College (Beth, Elin and myself) were delighted to be given the chance to explore the social aspects of a different country, with the support of the Michael Woods Travel Grant.
John Idowu Conrad Taylor the renowned Nigerian lawyer is a seminal figure in Lagos.
As I write this review of my first term at Brasenose, I’m confused as to whether it has passed quickly or slowly.
The twinning of my fate with that of another Brasenose alumnus, David Cameron, is not something of which I suspect even those closest to me are anything more than dimly aware. And yet, and yet…
Professor Vernon Bogdanor on the Impact of the Vote to Leave the EU.
Brasenose College is pleased to announce that Rev’d Professor Judith Brown has been appointed as interim Chaplain, starting 1st January 2017.
This summer I was given the wonderful opportunity of spending a few weeks working in the college’s archives, alongside the archivist Georgie Edwards.
Oxford is well known for its drama and thespian scene, with many famous actors such as Rowan Atkinson, Michael Palin and Rosamund Pike completing their degrees here. Yet there is very little mention of dance and, having trained in many disciplines for over fifteen years, I was worried it would all go to waste once I reached the dreaming spires…
On the 14th October, David Blunkett gave a talk to the Brasenose student-run PPE Society.
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