Max Mian

Brasenose College is mourning the sad death of Max Mian, a 2nd year Classics undergraduate. Max was found on the building site at the Westgate shopping centre on the morning of October 2nd. The police report that the death is unexplained but not suspicious and a file will be prepared for the coroner in due course. The family have been informed and the College has met with them and expressed its sympathy and support. College students and staff have also been informed and offered counselling and support.

John Bowers, Principal of the College, said “Max was a brilliant and popular student and we all miss him greatly. Our thoughts are especially with his family and friends and everyone at the college is doing all we can to help and support them and each other at such a difficult time.”

Miles Overton, the JCR President, said “Max was a popular, much-loved member of the Brasenose Junior Common Room. His tragic death has deeply shocked us all, but the supportive community in which we live has come together at this difficult time. Our thoughts are especially with Max's family and friends, and we in the JCR will always feel his loss."


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