Student Blog: Students helping Students

IMG 4757Every year, six Brasenose students train to be peer supporters for our college. Peer supporters are ready to listen to absolutely anything that might be concerning you, during drop-in sessions or just around college. I was amongst this year's new recruits, and we really enjoyed the training, and are looking forward to starting as Brasenose peer supporters!

The training was three hours a week in the spring term, where we learned the importance of actually listening to what someone has to say. It sounds really basic, but there’s actually a lot more to it than there seems. Especially with the distractions of phones and social media etc., life can seem a bit suffocating, and it’s important to feel that there is someone who actually wants to hear what you have to say.

There’s a huge amount of welfare support at Oxford, from the welfare reps to the chaplain and the junior deans, all the way to the university counselling service, and this can sometimes be a bit overwhelming. As peer supporters we can be the first place you look, and help you find what you need.

We’re given professional training from the university counselling service so as to support you in your time at Oxford and we’re skilled in listening and discussing any problems you might have, whether they’re big or small or literally tiny, we will always be around to listen. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a specific ‘issue’ that needs discussing, it’s cool if you’re just feeling a bit low for no particular reason and just want to talk about it. Most importantly, there will always be someone available to talk, even if you just want a friendly chat.

By Katie Collins (First Year law student)

The photo shows one of the regular welfare teas - where students get together at Brasenose to take a break from studies.

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