Brasenose welcomes Julia Baldwin

 MG 0278Brasenose College is pleased to announce that the Reverend Julia Baldwin has been appointed as Chaplain, starting 1st September 2017. Julia was born and raised in Canterbury, Kent and studied English Literature at St Chad’s College, Durham before training to be a secondary school teacher of English and Drama at Darwin College, Cambridge. Subsequently she enjoyed teaching 11-18 year olds at The King’s School, Peterborough. Julia trained for ministry at Ripon College Cuddesdon and read theology at Oxford as part of her training prior to taking up a rural, multi-parish curacy in the Diocese of Canterbury in the Bridge Benefice.

Since 2013 Julia has served as Chaplain to the Bishop of Dover and Local Chaplain to the Archbishop of Canterbury and offering some ministry in the parish of St Martin’s and St Paul’s, Canterbury. During the last 7 months of 2016, she was seconded to Lambeth Palace to minister as Chaplain to the Archbishop of Canterbury ad interim, which she says was an extraordinary privilege and adventure; an experience in which she accompanied Archbishop Justin on diverse visits to meet His Holiness Pope Francis, an unusual prayer walk up Glastonbury Tor and the 150th anniversary of the worldwide Mother’s Union with a vibrant choir from Zambia. Julia has also enjoyed her role as an Education Adviser for Canterbury Diocesan Panel and a seminar group leader for Curates in training in Canterbury Diocese.

She is an avid reader, worldwide traveller and theatre goer. She delights in all things creative: sporadic baking, photography, walking and singing. She finds fun and relaxation in time spent with extended family and friends as well as tending to her pet goldfish!

Julia hopes to get to know all students and staff in due course and invites them to introduce themselves at any opportunity. She is very much looking forward to coming to Brasenose to be part of the life of such a friendly College and to working with the chaplaincy and welfare teams – being available to those of all faiths and none.

Julia says: “I hope that the chaplaincy will continue to be radically welcoming and that Brasenose Chapel will continue to be outward looking - a happy and healthy place - where those who seek Christ, may find him. I look forward to working with the chaplaincy team and musical director to continue to nurture Brasenose’s patterns of worship and its excellent musical tradition.

Most importantly, I hope to get to know all students and staff in due course and invite them to introduce themselves at any opportunity. I am very much looking forward to coming to Brasenose to be part of the life of such a friendly College and to working with the welfare team. I see myself as being here for everyone in College, regardless of their context, available to those of any faiths and none to give support if needed and a listening ear at any time.”

Principal John Bowers commented: "I warmly welcome Julia as our first permanent female Chaplain. Brasenose has a vibrant and active Chapel group and a large choir. We take pride in being a multi-faith, cosmopolitan community which embraces diversity and tolerance. We are sure Julia will continue that long tradition.”

Read the Prospectus

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