Ellesmere Society Law Fund

LawLibraryresizeOur vision is that Law be taught at Brasenose forevermore, by the best academics, to the brightest students. To do this requires the College to have specifically endowed, protected funds for Law. Therefore, Brasenose is establishing an Ellesmere Society Law Fund (at the initiative, in his honour, of some of John Davies' former pupils).

The specific aim is to raise £500,000 in pledges and gifts to be used as an endowed fund to support Law at Brasenose, currently named after the College’s Law Society. Achieving this goal would offer the College secure funding for the key costs of one of its two unendowed Law Fellowships. This is a key provision for the teaching of Law here at Brasenose.

Read more about the Ellesmere Society Law Fund, and about studying Law at Brasenose.


Read the Prospectus

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